In this short money tip video, I discuss the following question I'm getting a lot lately on my speaking tour about the 5 Powerful Steps to Financial Success.
I continue to be humbled by the enthusiasm many 18-29 year olds exude when they hear me present the 5 Powerful Steps to Financial Success on the YMU Tour.
You can almost see the light bulb turn on in so many brains in the room or auditorium where I speak. "Wait, then why isn't everyone doing this?"
The answer: it boils down to a PERSONAL CHOICE.
That's it.
It's fun to share real hope to anyone of any background that they can reach goals and dreams if they simply CHOOSE to dream, save, spend, invest and give money differently
I hope the light bulb comes on for you so you can make a similar choice to reach your goals and dreams. I'd love to help.
For further guidance to help you begin living a life that fits your dreams check out our flagship training at Young Money University.
Here to help you DO MONEY DIFFERENTLY.